Affirming Language - 30 mins
A brief overview of language that we have previously used, why we should no longer use this language and what we should be using instead
Goal Setting and Report Writing - 1 hour
Use of Affirming language in report writing and goal setting
How to use affirming language and get the outcome you need.
Setting goals – are we trying to ‘change’ the child or are we recognising the accommodations they need to succeed.
Affirming ways to Support Social Communication- 2 hours
History/background information about social skills training
Why teaching social skills is problematic
Double empathy problem
How to analyse if a social skills program is affirming
Ideas for how to support social skills with an affirming lens
Affirming Approaches for Supporting Behaviour and Regulation- 2 hours
History around behavioural approaches and why they are problematic
Understanding behaviour and the why behind behaviour
Sensory processing, autistic burnout and spoon theory and how this can impact on behaviour
Collaborative approaches to behaviour
Common Autistic Communication Styles- 1 hour
Double empathy problem
Comparing common autistic communication styles and neurotypical communication styles
Supporting and advocating for different styles of communication.
Supporting the Mental Health of Young Autistic People- 1 hour
Why are young autistic people at a higher risk of mental health conditions
How to support the mental health of a young autistic person with an affirming lens
Understanding autistic burn out, spoon theory and sensory processing and how this can impact on mental health
How to Create a Neurodiversity Affirming Environment for your Clients- 30 mins
Access to AAC.
Access to sensory supports.
What to do before a clients first visit.
Resources you can share with clients.